Part of the ECCQ family

Multicultural Partners

Multicultural Partners strengthen culturally appropriate care for older Australians from diverse backgrounds, with the support of the Australian Government and as part of the Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care (PICAC) Alliance.
Multicultural Partners // Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ)
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Our mission is to support service providers and multicultural communities across Queensland through training, advocacy, and resources. We focus on hybrid and holistic approaches to ensure we are always connected, culturally appropriate, and easily adaptable. We focus on the aged care sector by building partnerships and enhancing the capacities of service providers and multicultural communities in both urban and rural and remote areas of Queensland.

Multicultural Partners is committed to sector development as a statewide service, empowering service providers and diverse community members to meet their current and future needs. We offer leadership and support to create more inclusive and supportive communities. We believe in making a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve, both now and in the future.

The PICAC Alliance is a cohesive national entity formed by organizations funded by the Commonwealth Government, dedicated to the Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care (PICAC) initiative in each state and territory. The Alliance serves as a vital voice and a platform for discussion, providing essential information, training, and resources aimed at enhancing aged and community care services both now and into the future.

Since 1997, the Commonwealth Government has funded an organization in every state and territory to implement the PICAC Program. Throughout the years, the national PICAC Program has refined its processes and practices, ensuring that desired outcomes are achieved and that shared national priorities are effectively put into action.

Find out more about PICAC Alliance.