Women’s Ethnic Network

The Women’s Ethnic Network (WEN) has been a forum for multicultural women in Queensland since 1978. WEN is for women, by women and exists through the mantra of ‘nothing about us, without us’.
Women’s Ethnic Network

The WEN meet bi-monthly online to discuss priority areas and issues and meet in person at least 3 times a year for social gathering and events. The International Women’s Day breakfast event, has become the signature event for the WEN.

The WEN has over 100 members and is growing, with more than 40 countries represented. Join today and let’s continue to see this network grow for the advancement of multicultural women across Queensland.

The WEN identify, discuss and address priorities and challenges relevant to improving the equity and advancement of culturally diverse women.

Join WEN today by filling in this form or get more information by emailing advocacy@eccq.com.au.

A short history:

  • July 1978: ECCQ’s executive committee decided to commence a sub-committee called the “Women’s Action Group.”
  • 1984: The group was known as “Women’s Issues Committee” (WIC)
  • 1999: WIC was renamed “Women’s Ethnic Network.” WEN consisted of enthusiastic volunteers who about many changes and representation on issues impacting ethnic women in Queensland.

Through the years, the volunteers and members have participated in various groups and committees; organised and attended forums, conferences, workshops and speak out on issues relating to health, work, citizenship, ageing, child protection, refugees and human trafficking.

The current focus of the WEN from 2023 – 2025 is on Violence Against Women.