Resources Library

Our resource library offers a collection of informative materials ranging in topics and languages, from resources about blood borne viruses (BBV), sexually transmissible infections (STI) and chronic diseases, to culturally inclusive aged care resources, promoting health and aged care education that transcends borders and cultures.

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  • All
  • Multicultural Partners (30)
  • BBV & STI (17)
  • Chronic Disease (14)

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  • Booklets & eBooks (16)
  • Brochures (19)
  • Factsheets (8)
  • Guides & Toolkits (15)
  • Legal (2)
  • Podcasts (1)
  • Training & Educational (1)
  • Videos (7)
  • Websites (15)
  • Other Resources (1)

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PICAC Alliance

Explore Aged Care Training and Cultural Resources developed by the PICAC Alliance The PICAC Alliance is a unified national body...

Training & Educational

Cultural Assessment Checklist

This resource aims to help you better understand the needs of a CALD consumer. Discuss with others in your organisation...


Vietnamese Cultural Profile

The aim of this Vietnamese profile is to assist service providers to meet the needs of their clients from Culturally...

Guides & Toolkits

Latin American Cultural Profile

The Latin American Cultural Profile is brought to you by the Multicultural Advisory Service. It is one from a series...


Indian Cultural Profile

The aim of this Indian Cultural Profile is to assist service providers to meet the needs of their clients from...