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Love Health: Newly released HIV report in Queensland  

Queensland Health has recently released the “HIV in Queensland 2023” report. The report shows that:

  • At the start of 2023, an estimated 6,050 people were living with HIV in Queensland.
  • In 2023, there were 158 new HIV diagnosis reported in Queensland; Of these, 87% (137) were male, 13% (21) were female. The majority (75%) were aged 20 to 49 years.
  • 31% of the new diagnoses were classified as late or advanced HIV cases, indicating significant immune system damage at the time of diagnosis.
  •  Metro South Hospital and Health Service reported the highest number of new HIV diagnoses with 50 cases, followed by Metro North with 37 cases and Gold Coast with 26 cases.
  • 45% of new diagnoses were among people born overseas including 10.2% were born in South-East Asia, 5.0% in NZ, 5.0% in the Americas, 4.7% in North-West Europe, 4.7% in Papua New Guinea, and 2.8% in Sub-Saharan Africa.

For the full report please access here:

If you would like to learn more about HIV, please contact our program at We offer free HIV education for both groups and  individuals in English and other languages. HIV information in various languages is available at

Our program also provides free education and information on hepatitis B. Starting from 1 July 2024, hepatitis B is included in health examinations for permanent and provisional visas applicants who are 15 or older and were born in a country with a higher risk of hepatitis B country. Other visa applicants that require a hepatitis B testing include:

  • Pregnant women
  • Individuals applying for temporary humanitarian, resolution of status, or protection visas
  • Those intending to work as (or to study to become) a doctor, nurse, dentist, or paramedic in Australia.

For more information about health requirements for visa applicants, please visit

*Image by freepik

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