What we do

Ethnic Communities Council Queensland (ECCQ) is the peak for multicultural Queensland. We’re on the ground – we’re connected, listening and feeding back to community, governments and partners about the strengths and challenges for multicultural Queensland.
We share success stories, empower communities to self-advocate and advocate on their behalf when needed.
As the peak for multicultural communities in Queensland:
  • Our strong membership base is made up of individuals and community organisations representing both established and emerging communities.
  • We work closely with all levels of government to influence key decisions impacting multicultural communities.
  • We celebrate success stories and elevate the voices of vulnerable people through our engagement networks for women and youth, as well as our Speak My Language multicultural disability podcast.
  • We provide capacity building opportunities to multicultural community groups – from setting up associations through to grant writing application support.
  • Our health programs support multicultural communities to live well. Our dedicated network of bi-cultural health workers focus on community education to improve their health outcomes.
  • We work with the multicultural sector to strengthen services to reflect the needs of community, as well as collaborate and partner on research and advocacy.