Grant Writing, Management and Project Planning Workshop – Mt Isa

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Grant Writing, Management and Project Planning Workshop – Mt Isa

For many community organisations, grants form a significant part of their annual revenue, so we will be discussing how to prepare successful grant applications and successful management of grant projects. This workshop also focuses on  tools and tips to get started on a project, budgeting, and how to evaluate success. We will explore project design and planning for grant submissions.

Join us to learn about how to plan a successful project from start to finish, present your idea in a grant application in a clear and succinct way and make sure that you provide all of the information needed to the grant assessors, and how to keep up with delivering your grant project.

Lunch will be provided on the day!

We will be meeting in the lovely Outback at Isa Theatrette room. If you have any questions, please contact us at: