Free training: Using the Human Rights Act for multicultural communities

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Free training: Using the Human Rights Act for multicultural communities

This is a free training session being offered in West End by the Queensland Human Rights Commission, in partnership with the Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland, as part of Human Rights Week 2023.

This training is for workers or volunteers with multicultural community organisations, carers, and others who are in a position to advocate on behalf of themselves or others.

If you support people engaging with health, disability, education or community services, or in their interactions with state government or local councils, understanding the Human Rights Act and how to use it and understanding the Anti-Discrimination Act, can result in greatly improved outcomes for the people you support.

Participants will learn to use the Human Rights Act and Anti-Discrimination Act to advocate on behalf of themselves or others, including:

  • which organisations have responsibilities under the Human Rights Act 2019
  • to identify when situations may limit a person’s human rights
  • what options and remedies may be available to achieve better human rights outcomes
  • how to make a discrimination claim
  • to plan for engaging with a public entity to advocate
  • to use the language of the Act to communicate with the public entity and advocate on behalf of themselves or others.

You may arrive at 9:30AM for tea and coffee, with a 10AM training start. Lunch is provided. 

Please contact us with any questions at: or 0413 512 961