11th Diversity and Inclusion Forum – Cairns

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11th Diversity and Inclusion Forum – Cairns

Join us for our 11th Diversity and Inclusion Forum in Cairns – a forum for aged care workers and health professionals, designed to strengthen our capacity to provide culturally sensitive services. 

This year’s forum will be held at Cairns Regional Council – hear from industry-relevant guest speakers and have an opportunity to explore strategies and best practices for service delivery to meet the needs of diverse consumers. There will also be an opportunity for networking over morning tea (please provide any dietary requirements when registering).

Speakers include:
Mr Tom Symondson | CEO – Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA)
Ms Lisa Ward | CEO – Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ)
Dr John Bosco Ngendakurio | Manager, Researcher, Advocacy and Policy –  Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ)

For more information, contact Multicultural Partners at multiculturalpartners@eccq.com.au

Register today! We would love to see you there!