Driving Change Through Ethical Leadership

ECCQ partnered with Amani Community Centre for a leadership training focused on understanding intergenerational trauma, effective communication and driving positive change for oneself and their community. Women and youth actively participated in the residential workshop to promote intergenerational cohesion within the community. 

As part of this effort, ECCQ sponsored five members of the Banyamulenge community to participate in the Life Matters workshop, an ethical leadership program by Initiatives of Change Australia. This transformative workshop equipped participants with the tools and motivation to make positive changes in their lives.  

The workshop included: 

  • Inner listening sessions each morning to promote mental peace and reflective listening. 
  • Community Family Groups to promote a sense of belonging. 
  • Identity and belonging panels  
  • Storytelling sessions focused on forgiveness and relationship repair. 
  • Leadership and trust-building activities. 


One of the participants reflected: “I learnt a lot from the leadership workshop. One of the key lessons, is that a good leader listens and solves problems”. 

The workshop was crowned by a cultural concert that showcased the rich heritage and diversity of participants.