Part of the ECCQ family


Diversicare was founded by Nick Xynias in 1989 and is a division of the Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ). Diversicare provides care and support to people from over 65 different ethnic backgrounds representing over 45 different languages.
Diversicare’s vision is to be Queensland’s premier provider of culturally appropriate community care. We respond to the community’s changing needs and collaborate with government and non-government sectors to ensure all Queenslanders have access to culturally appropriate community care.Diversicare’s mission is to deliver or ensure access to high quality innovative community care services that will enrich the lives of its consumers.

Diversicare’s Home Care Packages (HCPs) allow you to have complete control over your care choices so you can get the support you want, enjoy life and maintain good health and well-being.

Why choose Diversicare to manage your Home Care Package?

A support plan that is tailored to you

Diversicare’s Service Delivery Team has extensive experience in creating individual packages of support specialising in services for multicultural people.

We understand that for some people it is important for their health and wellbeing to get to appointments on time. For others, it is important to keep doing the Tai Chi class they love. Our aim is to understand what is important to you.

Adaptable to change

We understand that over time we all change. Our abilities change, and this means we may need services that can change with us.
Services can be tailored to assist you to maintain independence and continue to participate in activities that are important to you.

You choose. We advise

Diversicare services are delivered using a Consumer Directed Care (CDC) approach. This gives you the choice and flexibility in the way your care and support is provided.

Home Care Service Packages

There are four levels of Home Care Packages.
Levels 1 and 2 are designed to help people with basic or low-level care needs.
Level 3 and Level 4 help people with intermediate to high care needs.

Regardless of the level, Diversicare is able to coordinate all the services you might require.

How to get a Home Care Package

In order to receive a funded Home Care Package, you need to be assessed by the Australian Government Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS).

If you are assessed as eligible for a package, you can choose Diversicare to help plan and coordinate your Home Care Package.

To arrange an Assessment or receive advice, call My Aged Care on 1800 202 422 or visit MyAgedCare website

Our Private Home Care Services are provided through Diversicare’s Community Care services. This Private Fee-for-service provision means there are no waiting lists, and you can access immediate services of your choice. This is a seven-day-a-week service.

Services include:

  • Personal care and grooming (bathing and dressing)
  • Domestic assistance
  • Meal preparation
  • Continence management and advice
  • Mobility and transport assistance
  • Access to occupational therapy services
  • In-home and centre-based social respite services
  • Gardening and home maintenance
  • Pet care

For information regarding our Premier Home Care Services, please call 1300 348 377 and speak to our Intake Officer.

Diversicare offers access to a combination of care services so you can maintain your independence in your own home.The Commonwealth Home Support Programme is an entry-level home help programme funded by the Australian Government. If you are an older person who can mostly – but not completely – live and cope on your own and don’t yet need higher levels of support at home, you may be eligible for this support.To get home support, you need a home support assessment (conducted by the Regional Assessment Service (RAS)). My Aged Care can determine what’s best for you.Our care services include:
  • Personal care and grooming (bathing and dressing)
  • Domestic assistance
  • Meal preparation
  • Continence management and advice
  • Social support
  • Access to occupational therapy services
  • In-home and centre-based social respite services

How do I know if the Commonwealth Home Support Programme is right for me?

Ask yourself these questions:
  • Are you 65 years or older, or 50 years or older, and identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person or 50 years or older and on a low income, homeless or at risk of homelessness?
  • Are you still living at home?
  • Do you need help at home to continue to live independently?
If you answer ‘yes’ to these questions, then perhaps you or your carer should apply for home help services by contacting the My Aged Care contact centre.Ring MyAgedCare at 1800 200 422 to register, and remember to list Diversicare as your preferred aged care provider.You can find out more about the Commonwealth Home Support Programme here.

West End CONNECT provides social activities and social support to Diversicare’s multicultural visitors, and hosts over 100 participants a month.

At the activities centre itself, participants enjoy activities such as ethnic music, dance, yoga, Tai Chi, games and bingo or they celebrate Cultural days with food and traditional activities. Diversicare caters for Spanish, Dutch, German, Russian/Ukranian, Yugoslav, Samoan, Multicultural, Vietnamese, Polish, Croatian, Chinese and Lao groups.

Whatever age, disability, religion or ethnic background, the activities centre encourages and actively assists clients socially and increases their circle of friends. These activities also present an enormous opportunity for our clients to express their wants and likes, to keep connected with their culture and to be open to new experiences.

Diversicare is a leading provider of resources, information, education and training to state funded community care and aged care service providers and to culturally and linguistically diverse communities (CALD).To better support CALD consumers, Diversicare will partner with you through our sister program, Multicultural Partners, to deliver skills and care that is sensitive and appropriate.Multicultural Partners support service providers and multicultural communities across Queensland through training, advocacy, and resources. We focus on hybrid and holistic approaches to ensure we are always connected, culturally appropriate, and easily adaptable.Multicultural Partners focus on the aged care sector by building partnerships and enhancing the capacities of service providers and multicultural communities in both urban and rural and remote areas of Queensland.Find out more about Multicultural Partners here.

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