My Health for Life at Redcliffe TAFE

ECCQ Chronic Disease Multicultural Health Workers, Paul Tomane and Bahar Nader, headed out to Redcliffe TAFE to deliver the sixth and final session of the My Health for Life program. This program supports communities to make healthier choices in their day-to-day life, creating healthy life-long habits, tailored to their cultural needs, over 18 weeks with fortnightly sessions. 

After five interactive sessions covering topics from chronic disease prevention, understanding the Australian Dietary Guidelines, importance of exercise, reducing alcohol intake and quitting smoking to live and cope well, the last session was a final hurrah for the group before they take their new practical knowledge into their everyday lives!  

With a diverse group of participants attending, it was exciting to see Redcliffe migrant and refugee community complete the program! Participants shared their appreciation, and how they feel better prepared to meet their health goals, with many already starting to choose healthier food options, exercise every day, and practice mindfulness to help with stress.  

We look forward to continuing supporting our community in the Redcliffe area and across Queensland! 

For more information on My Health for Life, any other programs and Chronic Disease prevention education delivered in your language, please contact Hong Do on or complete our education booking form.

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