Enrolling to Vote (Korean)

선거인 등록

About the podcast

Participating in our democracy helps shape the future of our communities and country. Join this conversation about the resources available for people with disabilities who need to enrol to vote in a Federal election.

민주주의 참여는 우리 사회와 국가의 미래를 결정하는 것입니다. 연방 선거에 등록하고 투표하셔야 하는 장애를 가진 분들을 위한 유용한 자료에 대한 이 대화에 참여해보세요.

Links to resources: / 관련 자료 링크:

Australian Electoral Commission Accessible Information

Translated Easy Read Guides

About the storyteller

In this episode, Speak My Language Traveller Kumchong Lee is joined by Christine Ahn, a member of the Korean Australian community, who works for the Ethnic Communities’ Council of NSW. Together, they discuss common questions about disability inclusion that are asked during election time.

이번 에피소드에서 이금종 Speak My Language 프로그램 진행자는 Ethnic Communities’ Council of NSW에서 일하는 한인 교민 크리스틴 님을 모시고 대화를 나누었습니다. 선거 기간에 궁금했던 장애인의 투표 참여에 대한 일반적인 궁금증을 함께 나눠봤습니다.

English transcript

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