CEO Message May 2024

As we move into June, I am reminded of the importance of reflection, recognition, and commitment to building a more inclusive and understanding society. This period holds special significance as it encompasses National Sorry Day on May 26 and National Reconciliation Week from May 27 to June 3. These observances invite us to confront our history, honor the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, and strengthen our efforts towards genuine reconciliation Now More Than Ever. We are all invited on this journey. 

Reconciliation is everyone’s business. It’s what happens where we live, work and play. There are many ways you can contribute, be it in your home, community, business or school. – Reconciliation Australia  

FECCA conference Update

Our team is growing   

The capacity of ECCQ to fulfill its mandate as Queensland’s peak body for all multicultural things has received a boost by the addition of Dr John Bosco Ngendakurio, who has taken up the role of Research, Advocacy and Policy Manager.     

Dr John Bosco has immense experience in the community sector, as an academic, in policy and most recently as the advisor for the now Deputy Premier of Queensland, the Treasurer, and Minister for Trade & Investment. 

With this appointment, ECCQ will be able to dedicate even more senior level resources to much-needed research, which will then empower our ability to advocate more meaningfully for policy reform in the multicultural and human rights space.